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The Choice (2006) Riot or Revolution (2005) Why Men Pay For It (2003) Life is Too Serious (2001)
Love's Tragedies (1999) Big Hair Woman (1997) We're All Independent Now (1995) Deadly Hurt (1994)
The Great Australian Dreaming (1992) Big People Small People (1991) Something You Call Unique (1989)  

Don Parham (writer, producer, director)

Soldiers storm the stockade (shot at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat)

Rebel in stockade (shot at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat)

Governor Hotham (Brian Lipson) at 'Toorac'

L-R= Kevin Anderson (DOP), Don Parham (Director), Neil Angwin (Art Director) Sovereign Hill

Brian Lipson being made up by Jose Perez

L-R= Don Parham (Director), Brian Lipson (Governor Hotham) on location at 'Toorac'

Soldiers fire muskets at the stockade (shot at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat)

L-R= Don Parham (Director), Malcolm Crook (2nd camera) - shoot at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat

Mounted policeman pursues digger (shot at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat)

Digger flees from trooper (shot at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat)

Crew at studio shoot of monologues

Celeste de Chabrillan, wife of the French Consul (Julia Zemiro)

Don Parham directs shoot of Governor Hotham (Brian Lipson) monologues

'Toorac' (Governor's house) as it is today

'Toorac' (Governor's house) as it was in 1854 (National Library of Australia)

Sir Charles Hotham, Governor of Victoria 1854-55 (National Library of Australia)

Peter Lalor MP in 1856 (National Library of Australia)

The infamous 'digger hunts' (National Library of Australia)

Collins St Melbourne in 1853 by S T Gill (National Library of Australia)

'Convivial Diggers in Melbourne' by S T Gill (National Library of Australia)

'Subscription Ball, Ballarat' by S T Gill (Ballarat Fine Art Gallery)

'Old Ballarat As It Was In The Summer Of 1853-54' by Eugene von Guerard (BFAG)

'Swearing Allegiance to the Southern Cross' by Charles A. Doudiet (Ballarat Fine Art Gallery)

The original Eureka flag now on show at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery

Alan Bennett