** Now available on DVD - Purchase online below for free delivery **
As seen on SBS-TV

DVD EXTRAS include: ATOM School Study Guide - PDF file on DVD-ROM section of disc, accessible via computer / Easy to navigate menu options for viewing the whole film as well as the six individual stories separately / Release Script & Press Kit
"Don Parham's beautifully crafted film, The Choice, goes beyond stereotypes and slogans ... a real discussion starter, it should be used very effectively in schools." John Masanauskas, Education writer, Herald Sun
"To deal with one of the most emotive topics around, writer, producer and director, Don Parham, has adopted a hands-off approach. Each person is filmed simply telling his or her story, which is intercut with melancholy cityscapes and music. This is appropriate as it's a sad film ... It charts the vagaries of human connections, the thwarting of hope and the bittersweet benefit of hindsight. Parham has tackled many big social issues in documentaries ... If (his) aim is to generate discussion, he will succeed." Jacqui Taffel, Sydney Morning Herald
"It was refreshing to see a mainstream broadcaster providing space for women to share their feelings about having had an abortion. As the author of a book on women's experiences of grief after abortion, I know that for so many, the lasting emotional impact of abortion is rarely aired. Parham's sensitive film finally gives a voice to those women." Melinda Tankard Reist, Author, Co-founder Women’s Forum Australia

A synopsis for this film can be found here... Synopsis
Fuller background and production notes for this film can be found here... Notes
Some excerpts from the film can be seen here... Video Clips
A selection of publicity photos and a copy of the full DVD sleeve can be viewed here... Photos
produced in association with
SBS Independent
financed by
developed with the assistance of
ISBN: 978-0-9806495-1-2
BARCODE: 9 780980 649512
TECH INFO: 16x9 aspect ratio, DVD-5, Dolby Digital 2.0, PAL, Colour
FILM DUR: 52 mins
ATOM School Study Guide (PDF file on DVD-ROM section of disc, accessible via computer)
Easy to navigate menu options for viewing whole film as well as the six individual stories separately
Release Script (PDF file)
Press Kit (PDF file)